Creating a Task
To create a task:
- Right-click on or hover over the Find menu button. The Pop Out list is displayed.
- Select Person. The person Find page is displayed
- Type the name of the person and select the Find action button. A list of people matching your search criteria is displayed.
- Click on the hyperlink of the person you want to schedule the task with. This displays the Person Summary page.
- Right-click on or hover over the New menu button. The Pop Out list is displayed.
- Select Task. The New Task page is displayed. Note: You can also select the Task button directly from the New Pop Out list or from My CRM | Calendar. The difference is that you then need to find the person you are scheduling the task with, using the Regarding panel. You can also schedule communications that are not linked to a person or company.
- Enter the details on the page. Note: The time and date fields under Due Date/Time are automatically populated with the current date and a time 30 minutes into the future.
- Select the Save button.
Go to Appointments and Tasks home page...
See Also:
Creating an Appointment
Adding Attachments to Tasks
Scheduling Unlinked Communications
Scheduling a Quick Appointment or Task
Changing the Status of a Communication
Reassign an Existing Task to a Colleague
Scheduling a Task for a Colleague
Navigating your Calendar
Meeting Planner
Recurring Appointments