You are here: Appointments and Tasks > Meeting Planner

Meeting Planner

To speed up the planning process, there is a meeting planner tool integrated into the Enter New Appointment page.

To schedule the meeting and invite your colleagues:

  1. Find the customer you are having the meeting with and open their "file" so that the person's name appears in the context area of the screen. You can also schedule a new appointment from your Calendar tab by selecting the New Appointment button. You then search for the person within the Enter New Communication page.
  2. Right-click on or hover over the New menu button. The Pop Out list is displayed.
  3. Select Appointment.
  4. Select the date and start and finish times of the meeting from the calendar. The meeting planner is displayed in a panel with your user name already selected as an attendee.
  5. To invite colleagues, search for the names from the User field and click on the Add button. The invited users are displayed in the Meeting Planner panel. Any conflicts with the current meeting are highlighted in red. Hovering over the overlap shows the details of the meeting. 
  1. To change the start or finish time of the meeting, click on the time line of the Meeting Planner, or use the Date/Time and End Time fields.
  2. When you have completed the adjustments to the meeting times, click on the Save button.

The meeting is displayed in the Calendar of each invited user. When the appointment is viewed in the Team CRM calendar, an appointment icon is displayed for each invited user. Note: If a meeting spans more than a 24 hr period, a message is displayed in the Meeting Planner panel advising the user that "The selected date ranges are not valid for the meeting planner".

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See Also:

Creating a Task

Reassign an Existing Task to a Colleague

Scheduling a Task for a Colleague

Navigating your Calendar