You are here: Cases > Assigning a Case to a Colleague

Assigning a Case to a Colleague

If your system has Case Workflow enabled, you will see a number of workflow bullets on the right-hand side of the Case Summary page. The workflow bullets available to you will vary depending on how the case workflow has been set up and customized to suit your customer service process.

To assign a case to a colleague using the workflow:

  1. From within the context of a logged case, select the Queue workflow bullet. The Progress Case page is displayed.
  1. Enter the user the case should be assigned to in the Assigned To field.
  2. Add a Tracking Note providing additional information.
  3. Select the Save button.
  4. Your workflow may be set up to automatically create a follow-up call for your colleague. If not, select the New menu button, and select Task. The Enter New Communication page is displayed. You will notice that the task is automatically linked to the case in the Relating To field.
  5. Complete the communication details, and select the Save button. The new communication is displayed on the Communications tab within the context of the case. The Tracking tab contains details of the case's progress. The case and the follow-up call are in the My CRM area of the engineer assigned to work on the case.

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See Also

Manually Progressing Cases