You are here: Classic Dashboard > Adding Saved Searches to a Classic Dashboard

Adding Saved Searches to a Classic Dashboard

All users can set up saved searches. Saved Searches can then be selected from the list of Available Content to display on a dashboard.

To make a saved search list available on the dashboard:

  1. Set up a saved search, for example, all companies in the city of New York.
  2. Select My CRM | Dashboard, and click on the Modify Dashboard button. The Dashboard Content page is displayed.
  3. Select the Saved Search category from the Filter By drop-down list. The saved search you created is displayed in the list of Available Content.
  1. Click on the Add button next to the saved search you created.
  2. You can also select Saved Search Summaries from the Available Content list. This displays a count of the number of records in each of your saved search.
  3. Select the Save button. The dashboard page is displayed, showing the Saved Search list you created.

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See Also:

Modifying Classic Dashboard Content

Adding Favorite Reports to a Classic Dashboard

Adding Report Charts to a Classic Dashboard

Creating a New Saved Search