Creating a New Saved Search
When you perform a search to return Companies, People, Opportunities, Orders, Quotes, Cases, Solutions, Leads, or Communications that match specific search criteria, you may want to save the list and reuse it.
Note: You cannot create a saved search based on a keyword search.
You can save an advanced find search in the same way as you would any other search. However, only a System Administrator or Info Manager can make an advanced find search available to other users.
You can also create a group to save search criteria. Please refer to Creating a Group for more information.
To create a new saved search:
- Select the Find menu button and select an entity from the Find drop-down list, for example Company.
- Select your required search criteria and click on the Find button. Your search results are displayed.
- Click on the New Search button next to the Saved Search drop-down. The Saved Search details box is displayed.
- Type in the name of the new saved list, for example, San Francisco Companies - 21 - 50 Employees.
- Select Save.
Go to Finding Information home page...
See Also:
Basic Search Techniques
Searching for a Person
Searching for a Company
Finding an Opportunity
Finding a Case
Finding Solutions
Combining Search Criteria
Adding Saved Searches to a Classic Dashboard