You are here: Finding Information > Creating a New Saved Search

Creating a New Saved Search

When you perform a search to return Companies, People, Opportunities, Orders, Quotes, Cases, Solutions, Leads, or Communications that match specific search criteria, you may want to save the list and reuse it.

Note: You cannot create a saved search based on a keyword search.

You can save an advanced find search in the same way as you would any other search. However, only a System Administrator or Info Manager can make an advanced find search available to other users.

You can also create a group to save search criteria. Please refer to Creating a Group for more information.

To create a new saved search:

  1. Select the Find menu button and select an entity from the Find drop-down list, for example Company.
  2. Select your required search criteria and click on the Find button. Your search results are displayed.
  3. Click on the New Search button next to the Saved Search drop-down. The Saved Search details box is displayed.
  4. Type in the name of the new saved list, for example, San Francisco Companies - 21 - 50 Employees.
  1. Select Save.

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See Also:

Basic Search Techniques

Searching for a Person

Searching for a Company

Finding an Opportunity

Finding a Case

Finding Solutions

Combining Search Criteria

Adding Saved Searches to a Classic Dashboard