You are here: Exchange Integration > File E-mail

File E-mail

To file one or more e-mails from Outlook/Exchange to CRM:

  1. Highlight the e-mail(s) to file and select File E-mail from the toolbar. CRM searches for matches on the From address for incoming mail, and on the recipients e-mail addresses for outgoing mails. The results are displayed in the E-mail Target List.
  1. Use the Add and Remove buttons to find or remove target companies/people to file under. If multiple people are selected, the e-mail(s) are filed against each target specified.
  2. Set the Filing Options to determine what kind of communication the e-mail(s) are filed against.
  3. Select File E-mail to carry out the filing in CRM and return to Outlook, or File and View to view the communication in CRM first. Attachments are saved with the communication record.

Filed e-mails are marked with the message Filed to Sage CRM.

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See Also:

Installing the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

Working with the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

Add Contact