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Installing the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

The System Administrator can roll out the Outlook plug-in for Exchange Integration by Active Directory Group Policy. This installs the plug-in on your machine automatically in "silent" mode - so you may already have the plug-in.

If not, there is a "manual" install option, as long as the following prerequisites are met:

To manually install the Outlook plug-in for Exchange Integration:

  1. Select Install CRM Outlook Exchange Integration from My CRM | Preferences. A security prompt is displayed.
  2. Click Install to continue. The install checks for .NET Framework 4.0. If this is not on your machine, follow the install steps for this first.
  1. Click Continue once the .NET install is complete. File download and security warning dialogs are displayed.
  2. Click Run. The CRM Client Install Shield Wizard is displayed.
  3. Before continuing, make sure Internet Explorer and Outlook are both closed.
  4. Select Install, and follow the steps on-screen. During the install, you are prompted to confirm connection settings (see table below).
  1. Once the install is finished, click Finish.
  2. Open Outlook. A number of new options are available - please see Working with the Outlook Integration Plug-in.

The following table explains the Connection Settings:

Field Description
Server Name The CRM server name. Should be auto-filled from the CRM server.
Install Name CRM Install name. Should be auto-filled from the CRM server.
Port Number Defaults to 80. Can be changed if required. For example, if HTTPS is used, an alternative port may be needed.
Use Secure Connection HTTPS Select to use an HTTPS connection.
User Name Should be auto-filled from the CRM server.
Domain The Exchange Server domain name.

Uninstalling the Outlook Plug-in

To manually uninstall the Outlook plug-in for Exchange Integration:

  1. Make sure Outlook and Internet Explorer are closed.
  2. From Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs, select Sage CRM Client Applications, and follow the steps on-screen.
  3. You can reinstall manually from My CRM | Preferences | Re-install CRM Outlook Exchange Integration.

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See Also:

Working with the Outlook Plug-in for Exchange Integration

File E-mail

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