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Gadget Quick Reference



Calendar Gadget

Drill into appointments, add quick appointments, scroll through your calendar, and filter by appointment status. Note: Quick appointments cannot be added on the Company dashboard tab.

Chart Gadget

Display a report chart, drill into the associated report search criteria, run the full report, and use built-in animation.

List Gadget

View, filter, and carry out actions on lists. Can be linked to other list and record summary gadgets for dynamic filtering.

Main Menu Item Gadget

Add multiple CRM or web site icons to a single gadget. CRM actions include main menu actions such as Find Quote and New Lead.

Notification Gadget

View and drill into notification alerts, dismiss or snooze individual or all notifications.

Record Summary Gadget

View a CRM record’s summary page. Must be linked to a list gadget to display data.

RSS Feed Gadget

Displays an RSS feed. User Name and Password details can be preset for feeds requiring authentication.

SData List Gadget

Work with records from SData-compliant ERP systems or from a Sage CRM SData Feed. Can be linked to SData List or SData Record Summary gadgets for dynamic filtering.

SData Record Summary Gadget

View an SData record’s summary page. Must be linked to an SData list gadget to display data.

Summary Gadget

Link to multiple lists from a single gadget. Lists can be displayed as icons, summary lists, or a pipeline graphic (for single lists).

Task List Gadget

Drill into tasks, add a new quick task, filter by task status, and switch between daily, weekly, and monthly task lists. Note: Quick tasks cannot be added on the Company dashboard tab.

Web Site Gadget

Type or paste in a web site address, or select a content block set up by the System Administrator. Note: Not all web sites are compatible with this gadget, for example, web sites which do not allow themselves to be embedded in other pages. An error message is displayed once the gadget is on the dashboard.

The Web Site gadget can display a static URL. To define a static URL in the Web Site gadget, the URL must begin with the text #crm_server#. The actual HTML files must be placed in a folder off the WWWRoot folder. Please refer to Web Site Gadget for more details. This format can also be used to link to third-party gadgets. Please refer to the Developer Help for more details.

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See Also:

Editing Gadget Content

Linking Gadgets

Modifying Gadgets

Adding New Data Sources

Adding a Template Gadget

Modifying a Gadget Template