SData List Gadget
To add a new SData list gadget:
- Click SData List from the Gadget Wizard.
- Select from:
- Click Next.
- Select the entity to base your gadget on from the list. The list of entities displayed is defined in the SData Schema.
- Click Next.
- Click the check box next to the columns you want to display on the gadget, or click Select All. The columns within each entity are defined in the SData Schema.
- Click Next.
- In Step 4 of the wizard, select Include/Exclude, the field to filter on, the operator, and the value to filter by. For example, Include Invoices where Status Is Equal To Overdue.
- The operators available change depending on the field type selected. Enter the value as a drop-down selection or free text. The format of some fields, for example dates, depends on how the data is supplied in the feed.
- If the full field name from the feed is too long to display in field drop-down, an ellipses (...) is displayed in the middle of the field. Hovering over the field name shows the full name.
- A maximum of five filter rules can be added to a gadget. All filters are logical Ands. This means that an SData gadget with multiple filters returns data, which meets all the filter criteria. For example, Include Invoices where Status Is Equal To Overdue AND Include Invoices where Payment Terms Is Equal To 30 days.
- Click Next.
- Add a Name and Description for the gadget.
- Click Finish.
Once the SData List gadget is on your dashboard you can:
- Drill into and edit the data using the drill-down icon in the left-hand column. The record details are displayed in the SData Navigator.
- Use the Filter by drop-down list and field to narrow the selection further. The Filter by field returns data containing the text entered. You can filter by any "string" (character) type of field, which is displayed on the gadget. You cannot filter by numeric or date/time fields.
- Link it to another SData List gadget or to an SData Record Summary gadget.
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See Also:
Adding an SData Feed Template
Working with the SData Navigator
Gadget Quick Reference
Linking Gadgets