You are here: Writing Reports > Adding a new report style

Adding a new report style

The System Administrator can expand the list of standard report styles by copying and editing an existing style, and making it available in the Report Style drop-down list.

To create a new report style:

  1. Go to the Reports subdirectory of your CRM installation.
  2. In this directory there are a number of *.XSL (Extensible Style-sheet Language) files, which define the existing two styles for the desktop and WindowsCE browsers. The files should have the same name, ending with PC or CE for desktop and WindowsCE browsers respectively. There are also CSS files which are referenced by the PC *.XSL files.
  3. Copy, for example, the STDGRIDSPC.XSL and the STDGRIDS.CSS files and rename them with a new style name.
  4. Edit the *.XSL file and *.CSS file. The *.XSL file controls the structure of the report and the *.CSS file controls the look and feel of the report. Make sure you change the LINK tag in the new XSL file to point to the new CSS file.
  5. Save the changes you have made. To create a translation for the new styles so that they appear in the Report Style field:
  6. In CRM, select the Administration button.
  7. Select Translations from the context area of the screen. The Find page is displayed.
  8. Select the New button. The Translation input page is displayed.
  9. Enter the Caption Code, which must be the same as the file names (without the PC or CE).
  10. Enter the Caption Family as ReportStyles.
  11. Enter the Caption Family Type as Choices.
  12. Add the translations for the languages used in your organization.
  13. Select the Save button.
  14. Test the new style by creating a new report. The new style appears in the Report Style field and your report output should reflect the style changes.

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See Also:

Creating a List Report

Report Fields and Buttons

Adding a Chart to a Report

Creating a Cross Tabular Report

Creating a Historical Report

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights