You are here: Writing Reports > Creating a Cross Tabular Report

Creating a Cross Tabular Report

Example: Opportunity Stage by Sales Rep

This example demonstrates how to create a cross tabular report, which shows Opportunity Stage by Sales Rep (Opportunity Assigned To).

The report should show the sales reps from left to right across the top of the report, and the stages down the left-hand side of the report.

To create the report:

  1. Select the Reports button.
  2. Select Sales from the context area of the screen.
  3. Click on the New action button. The Report Options, Step 1 of 2 page is displayed.
  4. Select the Source View, and then Cross Tab from the Report Type field.
  5. Complete the details on the rest of the page. The fields are described in the List Report example on the previous page.
  6. There is a field called Cross Tab, which is only displayed when building a cross tabular report. This defines the columns displayed horizontally (from left to right) on the table. The Report Contents defines the information displayed vertically in the table.
  1. Select the Continue button and complete the information in the Report Options, Step 2 of 2 page.
  2. Select the Save button. The new report is displayed in the list of reports.
  3. To run the report, select the Run button. The output is displayed in a new browser window.

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See Also:

Creating a List Report

Report Fields and Buttons

Adding a Chart to a Report

Creating a Historical Report

Creating a New Report Category

Adding a new report style

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