Sample Quote and Order templates are shipped with a standard install. However, you can create your own.
To create a new Quote template:
If you want to include a table with merge fields, click the Insert Nested Region hyperlink. This inserts the start and end tags for both the main table (Quotes) and the child table (Quote Items).
You must include TableStart and TableEnd in the same template section, table row or table cell. For example, if you want a row of quote item data to display, the first column in that row must include a TableStart:QuoteItems tag, and the final row must include a TableEnd:QuoteItems tag.
Note: If you are merging multiple records, the preview will show only the first record in the group.
Note: All users can create and save templates and merge documents using them. However, you cannot make changes to shared templates. You must be an Info Manager or Administrator to make changes to shared templates.
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See Also:
Retrieving a Merged Document from the Documents Tab