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Recurring Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

When creating a recurring Appointment in Outlook, an End By date must be selected on the recurrence dialog box if the appointment is to be synched to CRM. Recurring Tasks are not synchronized from Outlook to CRM. Recurring Appointments created in CRM get synchronized to Outlook.

The default maximum number of occurrences allowed in CRM is 200. This is set by the System Administrator. If you create a recurring appointment in Outlook with a greater number of occurrences than that allowed in CRM, then the appointments will not get synched. You should also note that CRM allows you to have more than one recurring appointment from a series occurring on the same day, but Outlook does not.

If you are running Windows Vista in Protected Mode, it is not possible to add recurring appointments when using CRM via Outlook. However, it is possible if you add CRM as a trusted site and turn off Protected Mode for the trusted sites zone. Note: You must disable Protected Mode at the zone level - it cannot be disabled for individual sites.

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See Also:

Outlook Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

CRM Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

Working with Appointments, Meetings and Multiple Users (Classic Outlook Integration)

All Day Events (Classic Outlook Integration)

Downloading the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Using CRM from within Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Adding Contacts: CRM to Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reviewing Synchronization Conflicts (Classic Outlook Integration)

Filing E-mails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reinstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Uninstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration