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Reviewing Skipped Items (Classic Outlook Integration)

You can review additional information about appointments, tasks or contacts which could not be synchronized in the Skipped Items log.

The following scenarios will cause items to be skipped rather than synchronized:

To view skipped items:

  1. In Outlook, select Tools | CRM | View Skipped Items. The file, SKIPPEDITEMS.LOG is opened. An example of the text is:

***Problem gathering data for item***

Logged on:25/07/2008 10:32:43

Type: Recurring appointment

Subject: app2

Date & time: 25/07/2008 09:00:00

Action:Compiling XML with item to be sent to CRM server

Server ID:0

Outlook unique ID:2254403268

Cause:Exception raised: Incompatible recurrence pattern (no end date)

Logged at:MJ1024

This shows the time problem occurred (Logged On), the area the problem occurred in (Type), the Subject and Date & Time of the item (for appointments and tasks), and the cause. There is also additional information for your System Administrator or Support team (Action, Server ID, Outlook Unique ID, Logged At).

  1. Rectify the problem if you can easily do so. For example, adding an end date to recurring appointment in Outlook. If items are regularly being skipped that you expect to be synchronized, please refer to your System Administrator.
  2. Close the SKIPPEDITEMS.LOG when you have finished reviewing it.

The log can also be viewed from C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Sage\CRM\OutlookPlugin.

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See Also:

Downloading the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Using CRM from within Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Adding Contacts: CRM to Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Synchronizing Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reviewing Synchronization Conflicts (Classic Outlook Integration)

Filing E-mails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reinstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Uninstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration