Each of the main types of data in CRM (Company, People, Communications, Leads,and Opportunities, and Cases) have a field called Territory.
Your System Administrator can set up different hierarchical territories—geographically, by product, or by another criteria—which reflect your organization's data security needs. Each user is assigned a "home" territory, and security access rights are applied across the territories.
For example, your organization has sales teams based in Europe, Asia, and the USA. It is a requirement that the sales people can view all companies, but they can only insert and change the companies in their own "home" territory or hierarchically subordinated to their home territory.
When inserting new data, you can select a territory to assign the record to from the Territory list. The territories available to you in the list are defined by your System Administrator. If you do not select a territory, the record is automatically assigned a territory according to the territory security management set up by your System Administrator and a set of system rules.
If no territories are defined by your System Administrator, you can ignore this field. All records are then automatically assigned to the highest level territory called Worldwide.
The Territory field appears in most lists and filter boxes within CRM. If your implementation makes use of territories, all areas of the system (including Reporting and Groups) are affected by it.
For example, if you do not have rights to view data in the USA sales territory, no USA sales territory data is displayed on a company list report run by you.
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