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Case Fields




Company that the case is with.


Main contact person for the case.


Automatically generated reference Id for the case. Made up of [User Number] - [Automatic Counter].

Found In

Which version of the product the problem was found in.


Service Level Agreement. If None is selected, the service level agreement linked to the Company is used as the default to calculate target response and resolution times.

SLA Severity

Service Level Agreement Severity. Also used to calculate target response and resolution times. For example, Customers on the Gold SLA, should have a response to all High SLA Severity Cases within 30 minutes.


Short description of the problem.


Area of the product affected by the problem.


How the problem came to you. For example, Phone, E-mail, Fax.

Customer Ref

Customer's own reference identifier.


Which product the customer has a problem with.

Fix In

Product version that a fix is due to be supplied in.


Security territory. For more information, please refer to Territory Management.

Created By

Person the case is logged by.


Severity of the case. For example, Normal, Low, High.

Assigned To

Person currently responsible for the case.


Stage of the case. For example, Logged, Queued, Investigating.


Status of the case. For example, In Progress, Closed.

Problem Type

Type of problem. For example, Customer knowledge, Missing component.

Problem Details

Detailed description of problem.

When you save the Case, the following additional fields are displayed in read-only format. They are available for editing on the Progress Case screen at the relevant point in the customer service workflow process.




Team responsible for the case.

Solution Type

Type of solution. For example, Replace component, On-Site Engineer.

Solution Details

Detailed description of solution.


Date the case is closed.

This table explains the Case Status icons.

Status Icon


In Progress


This table explains the SLA Status icons.

SLA Status icon


The check mark icon indicates that the Case is within the target close time specified in the SLA.

The minus sign icon indicates that the Case has reached the warning percent level, set by the System Administrator, without being closed. For example, if the SLA specifies that Medium SLA Severity cases should be closed within 30 hours, and the Warning Percent has been set to 80%, then the yellow minus sign icon is displayed next to all Medium SLA Severity cases if the case is still open after 24 hours.

The cross icon indicates that the Case has breached the SLA.

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See Also:

Assigning a Case to a Colleague