Example: Activities Logged Report by User (Cross Tab)
This report shows the number of different types of communications logged by specified Users. The search criteria includes the Date/Time field from the communication, so that you can review, for example, all communications logged for your team over the last month. To run the report:
- Select the Reports button. The Reports page is displayed.
- Select the report category Activity Reports.
- Click on the hyperlink of the report called Activities Logged Report by User, or select the Run button. The Display Options and Search Criteria page is displayed. The search criteria are combined with logical "AND"s—that is, only activities meeting both the Date/Time and User criteria are returned.
- Select the criteria for the report. For the Date/Time Search Criteria, you can choose several different date range criteria. For example:
- An exact date combined with an operator—for example, =, <>, or =>.
- A specific date range (Between).
- A relative date, for example, Current Quarter, Next Month, Previous Week—these are all relative to today’s date.
- A given date, for example, any Monday between the 1st of November and the 30th of November.
- Select the users whose activities you want to report on.
- Click on the Go button. The report output is displayed in a new window. This report includes a chart graphic.
Go to Running Reports home page...
See Also:
Example: Company List by Segment (List)
Example: Opportunity Closing History (Historical)
Example: Person Summary Report
Example: Exporting a Company List from a Search List
Saving Report Search Criteria
Changing the Report Display Options