Example: Exporting a Company List from a Search List
If your System Administrator has given you the rights, you can quickly create a list report in CSV or Text file format from any search list, saved search, or group.
To export a company list from a search list:
- Select Find | Company and search for, for example, all companies in the system that are assigned to you and are located in Dublin city.
- Select the Export To File action button.
- Type in a name for the file, and select the format you want the file to be produced in — Excel CSV, CSV, or Text.
- Select the Save button. The list of companies is exported to a CSV or text file.
Go to Running Reports home page...
See Also:
Example: Company List by Segment (List)
Example: Activities Logged Report by User (Cross Tab)
Example: Opportunity Closing History (Historical)
Example: Person Summary Report
Saving Report Search Criteria
Changing the Report Display Options