You are here: Running Reports > Running a Report > Example: Exporting a Company List from a Search List

Example: Exporting a Company List from a Search List

If your System Administrator has given you the rights, you can quickly create a list report in CSV or Text file format from any search list, saved search, or group.

To export a company list from a search list:

  1. Select Find | Company and search for, for example, all companies in the system that are assigned to you and are located in Dublin city.
  2. Select the Export To File action button.
  3. Type in a name for the file, and select the format you want the file to be produced in — Excel CSV, CSV, or Text.
  1. Select the Save button. The list of companies is exported to a CSV or text file.

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See Also:

Example: Company List by Segment (List)

Example: Activities Logged Report by User (Cross Tab)

Example: Opportunity Closing History (Historical)

Example: Person Summary Report

Saving Report Search Criteria

Changing the Report Display Options