You are here: Running Reports > Running a Report > Example: Company List by Segment (List)

Example: Company List by Segment (List)

This report shows a simple list of companies in selected industry segments. For example, all companies in the Computer - Software segment. To run the report:

  1. Select the Reports button. The Reports page is displayed.
  2. Select the General report category.
  3. Click on the hyperlink of the report called Company List by Segment or select the Run button. The Display Options and Search Criteria page is displayed.
  1. The default display option is to display the report output on-screen. Leave the on-screen option selected for this example.
  2. Select the criteria for the report. If you leave the search criteria blank, the default is set to match all the permitted values. To select multiple criteria on the right-hand side of the panel, hold the Ctrl key and select the individual entries.
  3. Click on the Go button. The Company List by Segment report is displayed in a new window. The Search Criteria are displayed at the top of the report output. The report output page may contain hyperlinks from the data to the corresponding Summary page. If it does contain hyperlinks you can, for example, select a company name from the report output page and you are taken to the Summary page of that company.
  1. You can navigate between pages of a longer report using the navigation buttons at the top of the page. The first page of the report is displayed as soon as it is generated, with arrows at the top to go to the next or last page. If you click on the next or last page buttons before those pages have been generated, a message is displayed to inform you that the page is not ready. Once the whole report has been generated, a Go To Page icon is displayed at the top of the page, and a Print icon is also available. The navigation buttons are defined in the report builder by the System Administrator or a user with report editing rights.
  1. To close the reports page, close the window displaying the report output.

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See Also:

Example: Activities Logged Report by User (Cross Tab)

Example: Opportunity Closing History (Historical)

Example: Person Summary Report

Example: Exporting a Company List from a Search List

Running Reports

Saving Report Search Criteria

Changing the Report Display Options