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Adding Contacts: Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)

You add Outlook contacts to CRM manually with the Add Contact button. You cannot add a contact from outlook to CRM if the contact in Outlook has company information and the user does not have insert rights to the company entity in CRM. To add the contact, you must either be given rights to insert company data or you must remove the Company information from the outlook record.

Note: If you change company information for a contact in Outlook and then synchronize with CRM, the updated company information will not be carried through to CRM. You must manually update the company information for this contact in CRM.

CRM field level security is not applied to required fields in Outlook. So, for example, if you delete the contents of a required field in an Outlook Contact and then synchronize with CRM, you will not be warned that a required field has not been populated.

To add Outlook contacts to CRM:

  1. Select Contacts from the Outlook Shortcuts group.
  2. Highlight the contact you want to add to CRM.
  3. Select the Add Contact button from the toolbar.
  4. Select Save to save the contact in CRM. The contact is added to the Contacts tab in CRM so that it gets synchronized in the future. When a contact is added from Outlook to CRM, the Outlook plug-in will automatically run synchronization with CRM on contacts only. This is to ensure that any additional information entered in CRM is also reflected in Outlook.

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See Also:

Downloading the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Using CRM from within Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Adding Contacts: CRM to Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Synchronizing Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reviewing Synchronization Conflicts (Classic Outlook Integration)

Filing E-mails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reinstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Uninstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration