You are here: Adding Customer Information > Adding a New Company

Adding a New Company

To add a new company:

  1. Right-click on or hover over the New menu button.
  2. Select Company from the pop out list. The Company duplicate find page is displayed.
  1. Type the first few letters of the company name, and select the Enter Company Details button. The system searches for possible duplicate company names. For more information on Deduplication, please refer to Preventing Duplicate Entries. If no potential duplicate company is found, the New Company page is displayed. The New Company page allows you to add all the company details and a principal contact and address. You can add multiple people and addresses to a company. This is described in the next sections.
  2. Enter the details in the Company panel. Your System Administrator determines the minimum details that need to be entered.
  1. Enter the details in the Address panel.
  1. Enter the details in the Phone and E-mail panels.
  1. Enter the details in the Person panel.
  1. Enter the details in the Personal Phone Details panel. The table below explains the standard fields.
  1. Enter the details in the Personal E-mail Details panel. The table below explains the standard fields.
  1. Click on the Save button. You may need to scroll back to the top of the page to access the buttons.

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See Also:

Company Fields

Address Fields

Phone and E-mail Fields

Person Fields

Changing Company Details

Changing Company Address Details

Maintaining Address Links

Changing Person Details

Adding a New Address to an Existing Company

Adding a New Person to an Existing Company

Adding a Note

Preventing Duplicate Entries

Merging Duplicate Companies

Merging Duplicate People